Sunday, April 22, 2007

November 2004

I sent my Nana flowers for the Anniversary of my Pop's death. I really struggle with this type of event. Is it better to acknowledge the event and the pain or to not remember it? That year I sent flowers. In later years, as my Nana's memory had faded, I have just skipped it.

Anger can also be a sign of Alzheimer's disease. You can see here that my Nana has spikes of anger that are difficult to anticipate.

Nov 22, 2004
The flowers that you sent arrived this morning. Nana was thrilled. You are the only one who remembered the anniversary for her. Nana spent an hour on the phone with Barney’s son S this afternoon. They talked about the fact that Barney is dying. Barney told Nana many times that he wanted to be buried with his parents in Hillside Cemetery. He told her that his name is already there, just waiting for him. Unfortunately he never bothered to tell his son. He was planning to bury him in the Russian cemetery with his mother. Nana is feeling distressed about the whole thing.

Now she is mad at me. She does not wear her hearing aids. Then she asks me the same question over and over again because she can not hear my answers. I finally asked her to put in her hearing aids if she wanted to ask me questions. For some reason she heard that and went upstairs mad. I think that part of her anger is about Barney and maybe even Pop. I am the only one handy to be mad at.

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