As much as possible I have tried to anonymize this blog so that it could be about any mother, any grandmother. Most of the people discussed are relatives who come and go. My mother's voice is the primary voice here. In posts where her voice and mine are together, my comments are ALWAYS in italics, generally at the beginning of the monthly post.
Many people come to see my Nana, mostly relatives. I generally identify my mom but everyone else is denoted by their first initial which can get confusing as many people share the same first initial. There are also two wonderful women who come to see my Nana and help her throughout the day. They are A2 (so as not to confuse her with my aunt A) and M. To help a bit, I have assembled the above family pedigree. By convention, men are squares and women are circles. Luckily I have a small family.
How to read this blog
Because blogger by default puts the post in reverse chronological order, it can be difficult to figure out where to start reading.
Start at the very first post for an introduction.
All of the other posts are in reverse chronological order. The best way (in my opinion) to is to start with the oldest date available in the "a day in the life" category. Each individual post (one per month) is in chronological order for that month.
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