This picture of my Nana & Pop is my favorite. This is how I remember them, always. This is the picture that I've have framed on my mantle. They were a team, always holding hands. When my mom emails about my Nana going to the beauty salon to have her hair done, this is the style, unchanged through the decades. She went every week to have it styled & slept in a hair covering to keep it fresh until the next visit. My Nana is thin in this picture. When my Pop was diagnosed with emphysema, my Nana proposed that she would lose 50 pounds if he would quit smoking his pipe. They both did. Long before the Atkins diet was popular I remember my Nana's breakfast or lunch being a hamburger patty, some cottage cheese, black coffee, grapefruit juice and a mound of vitamins.
1 comment:
i was diagnosed of parkinson disease 5 years ago,i started azilect then mirapex as the disease progressed in frebuary last year,and i started on parkinson disease herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic,few months into the treatment i made a significant recovery,almost all my symptoms are gone,great improvement with my movement and belance,it been a year and life has been so good for me,contact them through there website www.ultimatelifeclinic.com
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